Business Central - Drilldownpage in Cue auto generated /views/ in the linked page. How to make the views in my control?
I made some cues displayed sales order amount by team as of today like below.
The AL code is like below.
field(SalesOrderAmountTodayB2B_SalesTeam; TotalB2BAmt)
ApplicationArea = ALL;
ToolTip = 'The sum of B2B sales order today.';
Caption = 'B2B';
DrillDownPageID = /Sales Order List/;
trigger OnDrillDown()
DrillDownSalesOrderTodayByTeam('B2B_T', 'ALL', gtxTodayDate);
When a user click the cue, it drills down to the order list page like below.
It looks BC generate views automatically for the all the cues with DrillDownPageID value with the text values of caption properties.
It makes some problems.
1. The auto-generated views push down the other user defined views. Users should scroll down the view list to find their own view. It just clicked one of the cues, but the views are generated for the all of the cues. And some of them have duplicated names, it makes users confused.
1) Is there any solution to hide the view list?
2) Is there any solution to change the name of the view? It looks derived from the /caption/ values in the cues.
2. Even I move out to another page and open the /Sales Orders/ list page again (not through the /cues/), it remains the autogenerated views.
- If #1 is not possible, Is a way to reset the views when user move out to another page to clear out the auto generated views?