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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)


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hi, all

how to send the values showing under marker 1 and marker 2 .  to the obtained marks and maximum marks?

actualy the values should come under obtained marks and max marks while changing code it update like belwo

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    ajyendra Profile Picture
    ajyendra 1,732 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


    html += "<tr><td class='nme' id='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_studentsubjectmarksid + "'>" + enrollNo + "</td><td>" + studentName + "</td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker1' id='marker1" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this,"+i+");'/></td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker2' id='marker2" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this,"+i+");'/></td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker3' id='marker3" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this,"+i+");'/></td><td class='minatt'><p id='demo" + i + "'></p><input onchange='checkObtainedMarks(this)' style='width:100%' type='number' id='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_studentsubjectmarksid + "_minattendance' name='name'" + " value='" + marksobtained + "' data='" +uploadMarks.value[i].new_maximummarks1 + "' min='0' max='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_maximummarks1 + "' disabled></td><td class='text-center'>" + maxMarks + "</td></tr>";


    function getobtainedMarks(selectObject,idx)
    //from that index you can first find index of row and put it in variable i then that i used in
    var marker1 = document.getElementById("marker1" + idx).value;

    var marker2 = document.getElementById("marker2" + idx).value;

    var marker3 = document.getElementById("marker3" + idx).value;

    if (marker1 == null || marker1 == undefined || marker1 == "") {

    marker1 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker1 = parseFloat(marker1);

    if (marker2 == null || marker2 == undefined || marker2 == "") {
    marker2 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker2 = parseFloat(marker2);

    if (marker3 == null || marker3 == undefined || marker3 == "") {

    marker3 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker3 = parseFloat(marker3);

    document.getElementById("demo"+idx).innerHTML = ((marker1 + marker2 + marker3) / 3).toFixed(1);


  • Suggested answer
    ajyendra Profile Picture
    ajyendra 1,732 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


    Make sure that this time you copy as it code

    function UploadFirstMarks() {


    var parentResource = parent.Alert.getCrmWindow();

    var subject_id = parentResource.semester_subject.control.get_selectedIds()[0];

    var examschedule_id = parentResource.college_exam_schedule_grid.control.get_selectedIds()[0];

    // var examination = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false"><entity name="new_examination"><attribute name="new_examinationid" /><attribute name="new_name" /><attribute name="createdon" /><order attribute="new_name" descending="false" /><filter type="and"><condition attribute="new_examschedulename" operator="eq" value="' + examschedule_id + '" /><condition attribute="new_subject" operator="eq" value="' + subject_id + '" /></filter></entity></fetch>';

    var examination = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false"><entity name="new_examination"><attribute name="new_examinationid"/><attribute name="new_name"/><attribute name="createdon"/><order attribute="new_name" descending="false"/><filter type="and"><condition attribute="new_examschedulename" operator="eq" value="' + examschedule_id + '"/><condition attribute="new_subject" operator="eq" value="' + subject_id + '"/></filter><link-entity name="new_subject_course_stream_mapping" from="new_subject_course_stream_mappingid" to="new_subject" link-type="inner" alias="be"/><link-entity name="new_subjectevaluationscheme" from="new_subjectevaluationschemeid" to="new_examscheme" link-type="inner" alias="bf"><link-entity name="new_otherassessment" from="new_examscheme" to="new_subjectevaluationschemeid" link-type="outer" alias="bg"/></link-entity><filter type="and"><condition entityname="bg" attribute="new_examscheme" operator="null"/></filter></entity></fetch>';

    var subjectexam = getFetch("new_examination", examination);

    var _html = "";

    $.each(subjectexam.value, function (index, res) {

    _html += "<option value='" + res.new_examinationid + "'>" + res.new_name + "</option>"; });



    $(document).ready(function () {

    $("#StudentSubjectComponent").change(function () {




    var grid_id = $('#StudentSubjectComponent :selected').val();

    var uploadMarks;

    if (grid_id != null) {

    var fetch = '<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false" ><entity name="new_studentsubjectmarks" ><attribute name="new_studentsubjectmarksid" /><attribute name="new_subjecttype1" /><attribute name="new_subject2" /><attribute name="new_marker1" /><attribute name="new_marker2" /><attribute name="new_marker3" /><attribute name="new_examtype" /><attribute name="new_name" /><attribute name="new_maximummarks1" /><attribute name="new_marksobtained1" /><attribute name="new_enrollmentno" /><order attribute="new_name" descending="false" /><filter type="and" ><condition attribute="new_isotherassesment" operator="eq" value="0" /><condition attribute="new_examination" operator="eq" uiname="Audits and Regulatory Compliance" uitype="new_examination" value="' + grid_id + '" /><condition attribute="new_appeared" operator="eq" value="1" /></filter><link-entity name="new_studentsubjectattendance" from="new_studentsubjectattendanceid" to="new_studentsubject" link-type="inner" alias="ae" ><link-entity name="new_studentcoursestreamdivisionsession" from="new_studentcoursestreamdivisionsessionid" to="new_studentsession" link-type="inner" alias="af" ><attribute name="new_examrollno" /><attribute name="new_student" /><attribute name="new_studentname" /><attribute name="new_rollnumber" /><link-entity name="new_student" from="new_studentid" to="new_student" link-type="inner" alias="st" ><attribute name="new_studentname" /><attribute name="new_firstname" /><attribute name="new_contactname" /><attribute name="new_contact" /><attribute name="sis_registrationid" /></link-entity></link-entity></link-entity></entity></fetch>';

    uploadMarks = getFetch("new_studentsubjectmarkse", fetch);


    var len = uploadMarks.value.length;

    var head

    var html = "";

    var tbody = "";

    tbody = "<thead><tr><th valign='middle'>Enrollment No.</th><th>Student Name</th><th class='text-center'>Marker1</th><th class='text-center'>Marker2</th><th class='text-center'>Marker3</th><th class='text-center'>Obtained Marks</th><th class='text-center'>Maximum Marks</th></tr></thead><tbody>";

    if (len > 0) {

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    var enrollNo, end, s, e;

    //var enrollNo = uploadMarks.value[i]["af_x002e_new_examrollno"];

    var enrollNo = uploadMarks.value[i].af_x002e_new_rollnumber;

    var studentName = uploadMarks.value[i]["st_x002e_sis_registrationid@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"];

    var marker1=uploadMarks.value[i]["new_marker1"];

    var marker2=uploadMarks.value[i]["new_marker2"];

    var marker3=uploadMarks.value[i]["new_marker3"];

    var maxMarks = uploadMarks.value[i]["new_maximummarks1@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"];

    var marksobtained = uploadMarks.value[i].hasOwnProperty("new_marksobtained1") ? uploadMarks.value[i]["new_marksobtained1"] : "";

    html += "<tr><td class='nme' id='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_studentsubjectmarksid + "'>" + enrollNo + "</td><td>" + studentName + "</td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker1' id='marker1" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this);'/></td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker2' id='marker2" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this);'/></td><td contenteditable='true'><input type='number' placeholder='marker3' id='marker3" + i + "' onchange='getobtainedMarks(this);'/></td><td class='minatt'><p id='demo" + i +"'></p><input onchange='checkObtainedMarks(this)' style='width:100%' type='number' id='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_studentsubjectmarksid + "_minattendance' name='name'" + " value='" + marksobtained + "' data='" +uploadMarks.value[i].new_maximummarks1 + "' min='0' max='" + uploadMarks.value[i].new_maximummarks1 + "' disabled></td><td class='text-center'>" + maxMarks + "</td></tr>";



    var examTable = tbody + html + "</tbody>";

    var table = $("#subjectExamtable").append(examTable);

    if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#subjectExamtable')) {







    function getobtainedMarks(selectObject)
    //from that index you can first find index of row and put it in variable i then that i used in
    var marker1 = document.getElementById("marker1" + i).value;

    var marker2 = document.getElementById("marker2" + i).value;

    var marker3 = document.getElementById("marker3" + i).value;

    if (marker1 == null || marker1 == undefined || marker1 == "") {

    marker1 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker1 = parseFloat(marker1);

    if (marker2 == null || marker2 == undefined || marker2 == "") {
    marker2 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker2 = parseFloat(marker2);

    if (marker3 == null || marker3 == undefined || marker3 == "") {

    marker3 = 0.0;

    } else {
    marker3 = parseFloat(marker3);

    document.getElementById("demo"+i).value = (marker1 + marker2 + marker3) / 3;


    inside getobtained function please get index i already put comment.

  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


  • ajyendra Profile Picture
    ajyendra 1,732 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly

    I sent you a request again and please share your full code there.

  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly

    could you pls send request again. i will accept

  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


  • ajyendra Profile Picture
    ajyendra 1,732 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly

    I sent you code in Private message Check and applied.

  • sandeepc Profile Picture
    sandeepc 5,100 on at
    RE: html dashboard- values showing wrongly


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