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Execution Order of Async Plugin does not work on any statistical way.It depends on many factors like free System Resources ,AppDomain and many others including CRM services and records.
Hi - this is expected behaviour for async plugins since the execution order is not guaranteed to be the same as when the event fired. This is due to the parallel nature of the async servers.
Sync plugins will however always fire in the same sequence they are triggered.
Hope this helps
Seems like Asynchronous Service has some problem. Asynchronous Service is either installed on your CRM Web server or separate server.
Stop and Re-start the Asynchronous Service.
1.Go to CRM Web server.
2.Navigate to Start, select Administrative Tools, then click Services.
3.Go through the list and find Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service. If you're unable to find on the CRM Web Server, then check your topology diagram and verify on every server in your topology.
4.Right-click Microsoft Dynamics CRM Asynchronous Processing Service in the Name column of the service listing.
5.Click Start or Stop. Or, you can click Properties in the shortcut menu and then click Start or Stop in the dialog box.
You must have System Administrator privileges to stop or start the service.
Apart from this try Plugin Profiler to check the behaviour.
Did you try restarting the Async service to see if resolves? Do you have multiple and one was restarted and the other wasn't?
Hope this helps
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
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