I've done a bit of searching and haven't really seen much on this. I'm trying to integrate the Business Central API with another 3rd party software and am noticing a few differences between the data shown in BC and the responses I'm seeing.
I'm only working with the test company Cronus.
I've noticed that the api.businesscentral.dynamics.com endpoints I'm hitting are missing data. I'm requesting the general ledger entries and noticed even when filtered specifically for a date (April 8th 2019) that it isn't returning all of the records that are available in the General Ledger Entries view (images below). I looked through the documentation but haven't seen anything that says it API requests like this would filter or be missing data. In this case the BC view has 9 entries visible while the API request only has 2 for the same date search, is there a reason why the 7 other entries are left out? Am I missing something in the request I'm making?
I've also noticed a few differences between the endpoints(api.businesscentral.dynamics.com) and the graph api finances endpoint. Running the same /generalLedgerEntries request on the graph side of things it doesn't have the dimensions field, is this something that is going to be depreciated? I also noticed that the graph endpoint is pulling more data back, in total the api.businesscentral.dynamics.com endpoint is returning 3505 total items while the graph endpoint is returning 3512 items (images below). Is there a reason why the graph endpoint returns more information than the other?
Thanks ahead of time for your responses. Let me know if I need to provide more information to help.