The Northwind test site gives the kind of response we've been used to geting from multiple vendors.
If you present basic authentication and/or a certificate, you get your EDMX. No style info. No redirecting Javascript...just the service document, just the EDMX...which our tools can interpret...
...but when we try a number of variations for the URI using basic authentication with the accoutn UID/PWD (and using the certificate on subsequent attempts) we get error returns from a boatload of Javascript attempting redirection...
How do we just get our EDMX!!!!?
Thank you.
PS: Andrii, you've been very helpful and thank you, but we'd like to get input from others as well this time around. If you reply with the same info, others will see this post has been replied to and not reply themselves. Again thank you for the care and time you've offered so far!
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