I'm new to JavaScript and debugging client side, and I'm experiencing some issues while debugging, I'm trying to understand whether my code is incorrect or they depend on Crm configuration.
I have multiple JavaScript functions added in the Form Properties of my Entity:
So that when I load my entity record form and open the Chrome inspector, I can inspect all of them and debugging.
- First, are there any criteria to decide which of these functions will be run first (in other terms: should I worry about it?) or is totally up to the browser? I noticed that the order I added in the Form Properties doesn't matter: the function onLoad of library 2 runs first.
- Secondly, when I debug FunctionToAddFilter and do a WebApi call, as soon as I step out from the RetrievMultipleRecords asynchronous callback and press Resume Script Execution I'm redirected to the onLoad function of library 2 again.
If I press Step over Next function I'm redirected to the Pretty-Print minified file.
Why I'm redirected to the previous file instead than being redirected inside the success/error callBackFunction? May it depend on configuration, i.e. having multiple OnLoad functions added to the same form?
This is the complete code, including the asynchronous call:
function myFunction(executionContext) { debugger; var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); var collectionid = formContext.data.entity.getId(); var fetchFilter = ""; Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("new_movie", "?$select= directorid, new_name&$filter=new_collectionid eq" collectionid).then( function success(result) { debugger; for (var i = 0; i < result.entities.length; i ) { var directorid = result.entities[i]["directorid"]; var directoridToUpper = directorid.ToUpperCase(); var directoridToUpper2 = "{" directoridToUpper "}"; // add {} to Guid and letter capitalization fetchFilter = "" directoridToUpper2 ""; } fetchFilter = ""; formContext.getControl("new_defaultdirectorid").addPreSearch(function () { formContext.getControl("new_defaultdirectorid").addCustomFilter(fetchFilter); }) }, function (error) { debugger; Xrm.openAlertDialog("error: " error.message); } ); }