I have a custom entity for accounting details, which I need to do several checks on before the record is saved. Although I know what is required, I have no clue in how to accomplish it. At a guess, I'm presuming its going to be java script .. again clueless. There are three main areas I need help on
1. field new_accountnumber (text) - Must be 8 in length and numeric, left padded with 0's ( i.e. if 1234567 is entered, I need to make it 01234567. numbers only)
2. field new_accountname (text) - Cannot be blank or just Spaces. Convert to Upper Case
3. field new_defaultvalue (currency) - if not completed then set to 0 (i.e cannot be blank)
If anybody can help with how to accomplish this, I can learn something that will be used throughout other entities.
Thank you in advance
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