I'm not sure if anyone else is as unhappy as I am with GP10, but I thought I would list some of my problems with the program as I haven't found anywhere else to provide customer feedback.
1) Why would an accounting program not have standard financial statements?! I've been told that on creating a new company standard financial statements are not created and it needs to be either created from scratch or copied from another company. The partner that assisted us with the implementation helped us customize our own financial statements using FRX, but I just think we should have standard financial statements to compare with the customized reports. After all, this is the purpose of the software, is it not?
2) Why don't the general ledger reports have running balances?! The whole idea behind general ledger accounts is to know the balance at any point in time. The standard report does not have this and presumably I must either customize again or manually add-in running balances in excel.
3) When a cash receipt is mis-applied to a sales invoice, how is it corrected? This is a common accounting error, so why is correcting it so cumbersome in MS Dynamics GP10?
4) Why is the AR trial balance (aged receivable report) so messy when exported to excel? It is almost unusable. Isn't 'integration' with microsoft office supposed to be the strength of the software?
I could go on and on, but basically I think that this is a pretty bad program. Would like someone to see if value can be provided instead of users just being charged for everything which needs to be customized to bring the program to an acceptable level.
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