Re: ManagedStorage.SqlConnection.Unhandled
There was a bug on GP 2010 RTM that would cause this issue. It most often happened when you used an IP address with the System DSN that you were using for GP. This issue was corrected in GP 2010 R2. If you are on a previous release, that is probably your issue.
If you are on GP 2010 R2, there was a second issue we found, but this was much less common. In this scenario, it would work sometimes and not others. If you launched GP for the first time and went to Reports>Template Maintenance and tried to modify one of the templates, you may receive an error about file not found. However, after that, things would work fine as long as you stayed logged into GP. If you tried to print a template the first time into GP, the report would get stuck and you would get this error. This was fixed on GP 2010 SP3.
So, if you are on a previous release to GP 2010 R2, upgrade to that. If you are on GP 2010 R2, then upgrade to GP 2010 SP3. Or just go all the way to GP 2010 SP3 and you should not receive that error anymore.