Hi, I have this scenario that I have javascript on form load event but it is pop up form, like task, appointment, developer tools doesn't show up. how do we debug then? thanks
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Hi, I have this scenario that I have javascript on form load event but it is pop up form, like task, appointment, developer tools doesn't show up. how do we debug then? thanks
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Does it have to be IE?
If I have that kind of popup, this is what always works in Chrome:
- Add debugger keyword to your script as already suggested above
- Open that task window
- Click F12 to open dev tools (apparently, too late for the "onload" at this point)
- Then click F5 in the task window to reload it
Since you already have dev tools open, the script will stop at the "debugger" line..
Yes, I select the checkbox "manually choose the debugging engine", but there is only VS option, no other options
I tried to search my JS, but they are all system JS. I can debug it in VS
Just select the checkbox fore "manually choose the debugging engine".. that should take you to JIT debugger for IE.
Also I believe following are selected in IE settings:
[X] Disable script debugging.
[X] Disable script debugging (Other)
[ ] Display notification about a script error
[ ] Show friendly HTTP error message
You don't have to add the debugger keyword if you want to debug this in Internet Explorer.
When the new pop-up window that you need to debug opens up, click F12 on your keyboard, and from the debugger tab, click on the folder icon with a dropdown arrow to add the name of the JavaScript file.
Type the prefix of you JavaScript file and it will show up in the list. Click on the script file to select it.
If the function that you are trying to debug in in the form load event, set a breakpoint, and close the form. When you reopen it in the nexttime, the breakpoint will hit.
You should be able to debug it in VS. If you want IE then try this-
Once your pop-up is loaded, select the popup and click F12 and then search for your library with name. This will load the libraries for the pop ups as well
Hope this helps.
Found it. but it still asked for VS to debug, not IE
I did add debug keyword. but where is the option to enable debug in IE?
if you add 'debugger' keyword in your javascript then the script will break and you can debug it.
Please ensure the option to enabling debug is checked in IE. (if u r using IE)
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