I am using workflow 2.0 on GP 2013 R2 for PO approval.
I have a large number of users that will enter POs and need to route them for approval.
Based on the PO Subtotal $ total and who the user is, I need to route it for approval to specific users.
Sometimes the approver is a GP user, other times they are not.
I am unable to use the Hierarchy in AD because the approver is not always above the user in the Hierarchy.
What I would like to do is setup logic like this:
If GPUSER is (Bob or John or Steve) and POSUBTOTAL > $5,000 then route to Fred for approval.
If GPUSER is (Barbara or Phil) and POSUBTOTAL > $10,000 then route to Jeff for approval.
There will be subsequent approval levels after these initial ones, but my issue has to do with the parentheses in my example. I do not see a way to setup the logic to accomplish this
IF Field1 = (1 or 2 or 3) AND Field2 = Blue then .....
I appreciate any suggestions!
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