RE: See total record count in Dynamics 365
Hi Allison,
My guess is that you're running 2016 on prem and had adjusted the deployment properties in the MSCRM_CONFIG database (item 2 in this post )
That limit is 5000 by default, which is why you're seeing 5000+ in your new environment, but in the old one if the limit were 30,000 you would see 30,000+.
This is set up for performance because most of the time you don't need to get more than 5k records back because you won't be paging through all those results.
People usually override this value because it lets you export more records to Excel. I'm not sure if that's still necessary or not, but what you're seeing is probably a side-effect of that decision.
Hope this helps! I'd appreciate if you'd mark this as Answering your question.