RE: Payment not found in GP
Ask everyone to log off from Dynamics GP (if you can perform a quick backup of the both DYNAMICS and the company database, I highly recommend it).
Delete the record from the RM00401.
delete RM00401 where DOCNUMBR = 'your payment number'
Verify the SY00500 for any record that has the User ID as the BACHNUMB and the BCHSOURC as RM_Cash.
select * from SY00500 where BACHNUMB = 'userid' and BCHSOURC = 'RM_Cash'
If the above SQL query returns one record, delete that record.
delete SY00500 where BACHNUMB = 'userid' and BCHSOURC = 'RM_Cash'
Check the RM Cash Receipts Work File:
select * from RM10201 where DOCNUMBR = 'your payment number'
If the above SQL query returns one record, delete that record.
delete from RM10201 where DOCNUMBR = 'your payment number'
Run the following SQL Scripts:
delete SY00800
delete SY00801
use tempdb;
delete DEX_LOCK;
Log back into Dynamics GP and perform the checklinks in the Receivables Open Transaction Files.
Let me know if it helped resolve your problem.