I recently turned on the auto archive feature. Working in the Sales Order Archives specifically - when determining which user created a Sales Order, we refer to Version No. /1/. I created a report in Power BI using this field to find out which users most often service certain customers.
Some of the feedback I've gotten is that the Version No. /1/ users are showing incorrect data. According to Business Central, the data is correct.. With auto archiving, is it possible for the /Archived By/ field to change in a single Version No.? Everything I have read states that with auto archiving, there is no way for another user to override the /Archived By/ field with their own user for any Version No.. A new version would be created and labeled as a different version..
Or can Version No.'s switch? For instance, if a user were to backdate something on a secondary version of a Sales Order, would it then default that archived version to number 1?
I want to make sure I am not missing anything obvious.
If you need further clarification don't hesitate to ask!
Any and all feedback is appreciated.