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Integration Manager - Ship To on PO

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Posted on by 1,540

I have an integration that creates PO's in GP.  We need the Ship To address to be a selection other than our main company address.

I tried using a Constant but it wasn't working.  I've been testing other ways, nothing works.  So today I changed that field to "Input" and added the Prompt.  The integration doesn't prompt.  

It's like this Destination field is not even connected to the integration.


The next thing to try would be a script but hoping someone has ideas as to the above issue.

Also added inputs here that do not prompt:


  • Accounting Department Profile Picture
    Accounting Department 1,540 on at
    RE: Integration Manager - Ship To on PO

    Welp... that actually worked.

    I added a ShipTo column in the csv file.  Who knew?

    I'm still going to test the script option so the user doesn't have to add that column but I need to figure out where it goes.

  • Accounting Department Profile Picture
    Accounting Department 1,540 on at
    RE: Integration Manager - Ship To on PO

    I tried test data (Constants) in all the possible address fields in the Destination Mapping.

    I'm using the eConnect Destination Adaptor for Purchase Orders.

    I will try adding the Address ID in the Source FIle, but if Input Prompts and Constants don't work, I don't think a Source mapping would work.

    If not, I will try to script it in.  But it just seems the field is not linked to the Actual PO somewhow.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Integration Manager - Ship To on PO

    if you click on the 'Ship To Address' mapping, in your screenshot, does it give you that option, that you could input that info via the source file for the integration, or no?

    If the mappings in Integration Manager don't have this functionality by default, there's scripting that can be done post integration, otherwise, eConnect is normally the next option.


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