I have a problem now with a macro that has more than one ClickHit field 'Post Button'. When the Progress window pops up, the POST PURCHASING BATCHES loses focus and the next post errors out with WINDOW NOT ACTIVE even though there is a ActivateWindow. If I change the macro from "POST' to 'SAVE" and no progress window appears, it works fine. Here's the macro in it's current form -
#!LOGON AND LAUNCH GP CheckActiveWin dictionary 'default' form Login window Login MoveTo field '(L) SQL_DataSource' item 1 # 'Dynamics GP 2010' ClickHit field '(L) SQL_DataSource' item 1 # 'Dynamics GP 2010' MoveTo field 'User ID' TypeTo field 'User ID' , '<USERID>' MoveTo field Password TypeTo field Password , '<PASSWORD>' MoveTo field 'OK Button' ClickHit field 'OK Button' NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form sheLL window sheLL NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form sheLL window sheLL CommandExec dictionary 'default' form 'Command_Purchasing' command 'POP_Batch_Entry' NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' #!BATCH POSTING NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' ActivateWindow dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' TypeTo field 'Batch Number' , 'FG-130130060004' MoveTo field Origin item 0 ClickHit field Origin item 1 # 'Receivings Trx Entry' MoveTo field 'Batch Comment' MoveTo field 'Post Button' ClickHit field 'Post Button' #!BATCH POSTING NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' ActivateWindow dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' TypeTo field 'Batch Number' , 'FG-130130080007' MoveTo field Origin item 0 ClickHit field Origin item 1 # 'Receivings Trx Entry' MoveTo field 'Batch Comment' MoveTo field 'Post Button' ClickHit field 'Post Button' #!CLOSE AND END NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' CloseWindow dictionary 'default' form 'POP_Batch_Entry' window 'POP_Batch_Entry' NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form sheLL window sheLL CommandExec form BuiLtin command cmdQuitApplication
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