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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

EDC reporting by card type

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We need a way to report by card type not tender type.

Our cashiers only select from the tender of credit or debit (for EDC) and we need a way to account for AMEX transactions.

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  • RE: EDC reporting by card type

    Thanks for the info Tod, but we do not want another tender type. I've done some more research and it seems that it is not possible to report by card type (note of disambiguation- "card type" is Visa, MC, Amex etc. not Tender Type"). Rather, if you want to report by card type, you must use a 3rd party CC validation plug-in for RMS. has this software developed. They contacted me about it.

    However, I see when I settle the EDC batch at EOD there is a field labeled "Card Type" and it has the information I need. If there is a jQuery for this info that would be great. Then I can filter a report by "Card Type." But it seems there is no jQuery for it. (I tried guessing all the usual syntaxes).

  • Suggested answer
    ToddB Profile Picture
    ToddB on at
    RE: EDC reporting by card type

    Hello Anthony,

    Thank you for posting your question about reporting on card type.

    Since only the last 4 digits of the credit card number are stored in the TenderEntry table there is not a way to separate card types after tendering for reporting purposes.

    You will want to look at creating a separate tender for AMEX if you need to report on AMEX transactions.

    NOTE: When creating new credit card tenders please mark 'Perform verification via EDC' if you are processing using the built in credit card processing; run a Zreport after creating the tender; and verify everything works by running a transaction, settling the batch and verifying the funds are deposited.

    Hopefully this helps.


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