Hi Subodh,
I try to explain in real practice here since you were asking me before.
1st Question:
Please help me to understand what is the difference between exporting data to excel dynamic worksheet or static worksheet.
If you are exporting data using dynamic worksheet, if you can access the CRM using that connection, you can refresh the data respectively, it seems like you are connecting to the "SQL Server" and you can run the query instantly, but this is using a UI.
So, let's say you run exporting today at 10.00 AM then 2 hours later you want to get the newest data for the same instance, you are not required to back to the CRM and export to excel it again, instead, you just refresh the Data through your Excel using Refresh From CRM button in your excel, so easy!!
But, you are required to connect to CRM, as my experience, for onpremise one, you need to join domain or setup a Windows Credential if possible, otherwise you can only using SA account, but it is not recommended since basically the data CRM gives to you is for specific user with security enable, so it will return FilteredEntity data, if you are using SA account, SQL Authentication, you will not have this security profile enable.
Static worksheet is similar to dynamic worksheet at the very first time you exported it, the difference just, there is no connection between your local PC (in Excel) and CRM Server, so there is no way for you to refresh the real time or newest data from Excel. You need to again and again export it to excel.
The dynamic will only work if you are connected to CRM using its data connection.
The advantage of using Dynamic is you can see the Data, remember, it is only View access only, there is no way to update it back just by updating your excel file.
So that, how you make the data updated?
Related to your next question, You need to use Import feature.
So, it will link to your next question:
"And also please tell me why does it give me an option to 'Make this data available for re-importing by including required column headings' while exporting it in static worksheet? "
If you tick this "Make this data available for re-importing", CRM will give you feature to do bulk update for existing record or create new for new record.
And you might be confused, what is the difference actually between the exported file? And how come CRM knows it is existing or new record? what is the identification?
Well, when you tick this feature, CRM will create a new .XML File with some validation and format, while if you don't tick, CRM will only give you plain data in xls file without any validation, and also CRM will gives you the hidden fields, that you are not required to amend this, but it is very useful for CRM to understand and identify which data are new and which are existing data.
So, if you are familiar with Data Migration Concept, there is a term of method message name as "Upsert", it means Update and Insert are enable, by utilizing the hidden fields, CRM can recognize either Update or Insert New Data. The existing data will have a distinctive identity, such as GUID as reference.
Hope this helps you!