There are effectively two (potential 3 if you want to count the "workstation") "components" to a Dynamics SL version 6.5 installation.
1) the databases - a "system" and at least one "application" database reside on MS SQL Server
2) the "install directory" where the program files, report definition files and sometimes some log files reside. This directory can be a local directory on each workstation that accesses DSL or, more commonly, this directory resides on a shared folder on a "file server"
3) the workstation where the "client" is installed
When you talk about moving Dynamics SL to a new server, I assume you're primarily focusing on one or both of items 1 and 2 above.
From your description above it sound like you're really talking about moving item 2, the shared installation directory is that correct? If this is true, and if you use workstations other than the sever to access Dynamics SL, then the only thing I can think of that you would have to do besides copy the Dynamics SL directory from the older server, is to make sure that you create a share on the new server so that Drive mappings from the workstations that access Dynamics SL will map the same to the new server as they did to the old server.
(WARNING ABOUT FOLLOWING! the "client" program for DSL 6.5 is not officially supported on 64-bit so if your new server is 64 bit, you may not want to do this)
Another thing you might want to do after copying the directory to the new server is, map a drive letter on the new server to the same share with the same letter that the other workstations also use to access the DSL directory and then run the setup.exe that's in the wrkstn folder of the Dynamics SL installation directory that you just copied. This will install the "client" on the server so that you can actually access Dynamics SL directory from the server if you want. Some older version of Dynamics SL (aka Solomon IV) had some processes that actually could only be run from the the server. I don't remember if that was still true as of version 6.5 or not.
If you're also talking about moving the databases to the new server, then with the configuration you have described (keeping server name and database names all the same) you should be in pretty good shape. You should be able to backup the databases on the older server, restore them on the new server, then run the Dynamics SL database maintenance program to synchronize security and after that, it should work.
I might have missed a detail or two, so I'd very strongly suggest you ask your reseller for hands on assistance, but I hope this at least points you in the right direction.
Tom Malia
T&T Data Solutions L.L.C.