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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...
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NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

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Is the default between NAV and CRM Multi-Company for Customers, Products (we use Resources)? we will need a customer across multiple companies  so a sales agreement for a product might be for company east and for other products to company west, but the same customer?

  • Greg Enns Profile Picture
    Greg Enns 1,102 on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    We are not doing multi-company. I've been using the integration that is built into NAV/BC since they released it in NAV2016. I upgraded to BC14 a few years ago and kept all my customizations in place. I'm now upgrading to BC_latest (on-prem) and am moving all customizations to extensions. We use CRM in the MS cloud but have BC on-prem right now.

    We have easily synced over 10,000 records at a time. It takes a few hours to do that many, but it absolutely works. I've not worked with the transaction syncing--but I've done some custom entities as well as Contact Company/person <-> Account/Contact.

  • Ron.McV Profile Picture
    Ron.McV 98 on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    Greg, thanks are you guys or a customer doing this: one CRM to multiple NAV companies? It is the NAV to CRM integration solution right Not the CRM to ERP (NAV) sync.  How well did this do with volume such as 5,000, 10,000 transactions (rows), etc.?

    Again Greg thanks.

  • Ron.McV Profile Picture
    Ron.McV 98 on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    ZHU, thanks you again for the effort: This reference for Metaphorix is a bit dated and the firm in the UK is no longer in business but had made some tweaks to NAV / CRM integration to handle the out of box 1 to 1 configuration: company, customer, etc.  Does anyone know of Metaphorix solution and / or still using it?

  • Suggested answer
    Greg Enns Profile Picture
    Greg Enns 1,102 on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    The NAV side of the integration is specific to that company. So the integration will not see records in the other NAV company. However, you could have 1 CRM syncing to multiple NAV companies. You'd likely have to do some customizing but this should work.

    A few other side-comments...

    Be sure that your NAV2016 is ready to handle the OAuth requirements of CRM authentication--unless your CRM is older/on-prem.

    If you go with multiple NAV companies syncing to 1 CRM, you'll likely need to have each integration instance running with a different CRM User. If you were to upgrade to BC, the integration creates it's own CRM non-interactive User account which would likely cause problems with that approach--not unsolvable but adds further complexity.

  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,879 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    Hi, hope the following info helps as well.




  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 997 Moderator on at
    RE: NAV 2016 Sync with CRM: Is it Multi-Company

    No. It is not multi company out of the box. You will have to customize that.

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