First I create Custom Action for create Warehouse Receipt using Sales Order (Like using Sale Document No and Line level data using create warehouse receipt ) reference then try to post this Warehouse Receipt document but given below error
/The Warehouse Request does not exist. Identification fields and values : Type = 'Inbound', Location Code = 'Blue', Source Type = '39', Source Subtype = '1', Source No = 'WR-00023'. /
Its possible to post warehouse receipt using reference from sales Order?
Please elaborate on your business case.
For me, it makes no sense to try to create a Whse Receipt... from a Sales Order.
It is either a Whse Shipment for an Sales Order... or a Whse Receipt created from a Purchase Order.
At first glance, your case sounds like a Drop-shipment or Special Order to me, where BC does have solutions in place.
Try using the Drop Shipment or Special Order functionality on the Sales Lines: a small passage via the Requisition Woirksheet will generate a PO, directly linked to the Sales Order.
Its possible to post warehouse receipt using reference from sales Order?
The error indicates that the specified Warehouse Request does not exist in busiess central. Can you check if the Warehouse Request has been created and is available
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