Hi everyone,
I am having trouble creating a webhook subscription for a custom API page in BC.
When calling //webhookSupportedResources/ I can clearly see my API, but when I post a subscription for that API I receive the /Resource not found for the segment/ error.
I copy/pasted all API details to avoid accidental typos, but that didn't help.
Am I missing a setup step that might be necessary to open custom APIs up for webhook subscription? Or is there something I need to include in AL in the page definition that will allow the page to be accessed?
I have no trouble subscribing to standard APIs, which excludes issues with my postman, or receiver URL or anything of that sort.
I'm definitely not excluding that I am making a stupid mistake somewhere, I just can't find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks community!
@Inge M. Bruvik I unfortunately can't find a way to respond to your comment, so I'm doing it from within the post. First of all thank you for your suggestion! I checked everything that you mentioned but unfortunately nothing applies to my API. Fro clarification purpose I will add the page definition for my /test/ API here:
page 71034 custCust
APIGroup = 'APIGroup';
APIPublisher = 'APIPublisher';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
ApplicationArea = All;
Caption = 'customer';
DelayedInsert = true;
EntityName = 'customer';
EntitySetName = 'customers';
PageType = API;
SourceTable = Customer;
ODataKeyFields = SystemId;
DataAccessIntent = ReadOnly;
Editable = false;
field(no; Rec./No./)
Caption = 'No.';
field(name; Rec.Name)
Caption = 'name';
field(systemId; Rec.SystemId)
Caption = 'SystemId';