RE: Row Modifier for Beginning Balance /BB is NOT working
Hello -
I can't see your attachment. Maybe it is a good idea not show the actual report that is in use.
Regarding your problem -
Have you tried the below
Clone your row definition, column definition and report definitions.
Open the report definition cloned from your original report.
Make sure you select the row def and column def you cloned in the 1st step and save your changes.
Next, open up the clone row def and add one line to the top, include a high volume balance sheet account from that category by choosing
[main account segment] in the FD and not Account category and punch in the value, for example, if the account is 000-1100-00, you would add this for segment 2 in FD for the from and to.
Generate the report and check if this line yields any results. It should match what you have for 000-1100-00 in Account Summary Inquiry from within GP.
If your cloned report passes this pencil test, then you will have to check what the account category the balance sheet accounts belong to. The account category should be typed exactly as they appear in GP if you have an account category called Misc & Other Expenses but in MR your row definition has Misc Other Expenses for account category, that line will not yield accurate results.
Best regards