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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Ownership Team who can only own a Lead and should not be able to own the Account while Qualifying the Lead

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Hi All,

I have the following scenario and I am not sure how to solve this.

We have the following variables:

- Team Call Center with person A and B

- Team Sales Region North with person C and D

The process is as follows.

1.  Lead comes in Call Center from Web and got assigned to Team Call Center

2. Call Center employee A works on Lead and will assign this to Team Sales Region North

3. Team Sales Region North is responsible together (C + D) making sure the Lead got qualified.


What I would like to avoid is that the Lead got Qualified with Team Sales Region North as the Owner.

Accounts and Opportunities should be owned by Users and not Teams.


What would be a good way of solving this?

- Business Rules?

- Permissions on Ownership Team?

- JavaScript?

- Training / Process to explain that a user should assign the Lead first to himself (guess that this will go wrong, as we stay humans right:) )

Looking forward to see your replies.

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  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Ownership Team who can only own a Lead and should not be able to own the Account while Qualifying the Lead

    Hi Jeroen,

    If you use the OOb functionality, the user or team assigned to a Lead will be te owner of the created Opportunity if a lead is qualified.

    If you want to avoid the Sales Region North team to be the owner - but they do need access rights for qualifying, you can use an access team with a subgrid of the team members on the lead form. If the Call Center users give the members from the Sales region North access via this subgrid - the Sales region North Team members will be able to qualify the lead without them being the actual owner.

    However, with this process the Team Call Center will become the owner of the opportunity - and you indicated that you want to avoid that as well. OOb, the system won't know which team member from a team the opportunity should be assigned to, so you either customize, or design a process for it.

    The process that I think would work fine, is creating an additional user lookup on the lead form and call it 'Eventual Opportunity Owner' (or something like that). The field should be mandatory and therefore the Call Center Team's responsibility to indicate who should be the eventual owner if the Sales region North team decides to qualify the Lead.

    Then, design a workflow that throws an error message if the 'owner' field does not equal the 'Eventual Opportunity Owner' - limiting the room for error from the Sales region North team. If they assign the owner correctly, they qualify the lead and the owner is set to the correct user!

    For inspiration on error messages with workflows, refer to:

    Hope this helps.

    Kind regards,


  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Ownership Team who can only own a Lead and should not be able to own the Account while Qualifying the Lead

    Hi JeroenS,

        Well first off, I would say that training your Sales Team North users to assign the Lead to themselves prior to qualifying would be the easiest, as it doesn't involve any customizations in CRM.

        However, as you say - we are human and errors will undoubtedly occur, so the way to avoid this would be to automate the owner assignment of the Lead prior to qualification. One way to do this would be to write a workflow in CRM to assign the Lead. The challenge here would be that the workflow doesn't know which person to assign the Lead when it runs, so you would have to come up with some way to determine the user to assign the lead to. This could be done by round-robin assignment, random selection, or maybe even by counting the number of assigned Leads each person has, and selecting the one with the lowest number. Some of these suggestion may involve coding a plugin, or creating custom entities to support the functionality in the workflow.

    Hope that helps,


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