RE: Sales Transaction Entry - Hide Unit Cost
I believe the fields needs to be hide from the Item Price List Inquiry form. What's the reason for hiding the fields in Inquiry Window ? It's not recommended to modify the GP standard window. But, this affects your business process or for any other major reason it can be done by any of the following options.
Option 1:
The easiest would be, if you are licensed to Field Level Security module you can hide those two fields.
Option 2:
It can be done by modifying the form using Modifier and hide/moving the field from the window. While doing so that user can not see it on the Price list inquiry form. The access to this modified form needs to be enabled for user through Alternate/Modified forms & Reports form . In case,to apply the same changes to the other user. The modified form needs to be exported using Customization Maintenance and imported into the other users.
Option 3:
If you have existing Dexterity customization in place, then you can modify the form and deploy the chunk file in the GP. Note: This can be done only by the technical person who has hands on experience in GP & Dexterity.