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Microsoft Dynamics RMS (Archived)

POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

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In the Fourth Coffee Sample database, they have created a custom layout for a taskpad called "Fourth Coffee Sample". Fairly nice interface. 

I need to create a custom layout for my touchscreen, but there doesn't seem to be an option to create any, other then what already exists in the system. For example, I can create a 2x8, 1x10, or what have you, but you cannot seem to create one custom, like the fourth coffee sample task pad. There doesn't seem to be any way to create a new layout type, rather, you can just use what has already been created (and then modify it with just the type of buttons, etc.)

Any ideas on how to do this? Help doesn't seem to be any help.

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  • rostmani Profile Picture
    rostmani 10 on at
    RE: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    Thanks for the detailed guide, we are using Microsoft Dynamic for our locksmith clients. 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    That was my boss posting.  I showed her how to change the shipping to not show on the screen. 
    I also am in the middle of writing a numberpad add-in for the POS 2009 and would like to get input for this.  I have it working as a stand alone exe put need to integrate to show/not show when certain things happen on the screen.  Like when the qty box or open price prompt shows but to disappear when you switch to manager view.

    Ed Boyer

  • Mark Welch Profile Picture
    Mark Welch 80 on at
    Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

     POS 2009 is not able to do the number pad. I asked almost a year ago for this functionality but was told it is not available at this time. Maybe some day in the distant future... but not now.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    i'm trying to create a number pad within a custom Taskpad.  This is a request we've had from several customers.  I know it is on the keyboard pop up but they don't like that and only want a numbers pad.  I haven't found any way to allow the taskpad button to be just a keyboard stroke.

    We would also like to be able to remove the 'Shipping' from the POS window.

     Any help would be most appreciated.

  • Canadian MSP Profile Picture
    Canadian MSP 65 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    yes it's easy to do but not easy to make it look nice. And I'm wondering if I could remote into it via remote web workplace on sbs 2008?

  • MBRITT Profile Picture
    MBRITT 620 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    Hi!  This is very helpful info.  Once you've created an xml, how do you tell POS to use it?  Thanks!


  • A Singh Profile Picture
    A Singh 35 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    Here how u create a Custom task pad.

    1 Go to manager View.

    2. click on task pad under setting. New window will open.

    3 Click on "add new task pad". New window will pop Up and create your new task pad.

    Make sure you give the task pad a name in the first coloum on the top. and make all the changes

    as per needed using the drop down menu.

    for example: you want to create a new key. Select "ADD ITEM" under drop down menu.

    Under next coloum click on BROWS and select your item you want to create a key.

    you must save this when done.

    4. Now you have created a task pad but you must create a link to  this task pad with your main task pad.

    leave all the pages and go back to manager view again.

    5.Under manager view again click on "task pad" New window pop up

    6. you will see list of name's like owner, supervisor or more and your new task pad name too.

    7 Now double click on your main task pad name: it should be OWNER by defaut. New window will open

    (The main task pad is the one you see on your main screen)

    8 you will see the button on the right side. click on the one empty button. under drop down menu select "Link to task pad" . and click on brows on second drop down menu. Select the name of your new task pad , the one you just created and click ok

    That's it.

    Try it in your main window. You might have to restart your program to take it affect.

    you can create a lot more task pad and link them with each other.






  • Canadian MSP Profile Picture
    Canadian MSP 65 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

    I have Microsoft dynamics point of sale my boss saw the demo and loved the look of the custom task pads in the demo when I try to make my custom task pads look like this they look horrible. I really would like to see some prebuilt task pads for locksmiths, computer retailers, grocery stores, convenience stores, coffee shops. Having these custom pads would make it MUCH easier to sell this solution.


  • Jay Brummett Profile Picture
    Jay Brummett 20 on at
    Re: Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?
    Brad, Let me know if you have any success creating a custom Function. Need to do the same thing, but for a different business function that's not included in the "POS functions" that are standard to POS 2009. Thanks, Jay
  • Brad Grandorff Profile Picture
    Brad Grandorff 150 on at
    Re: Re: Re: POS 2009, Task Pad Custom Layouts?

     That's it indeed! Thanks Mark. It's as simple as modifying the XML, then adding it to the database. Interesting enough that
    it doesn't appear to be documented, but will make for the customization MUCH nicer on the POS.

    I'm growing more fond of the new version the more I use it. My next challenge is getting one of the POS functions they
    left out of the UI, ConvertTransactionTo layaway in as an add in. Kind of silly they left it out, as now I need to develop
    a C sharp add-in to get what I need from a button, but at least it's doable.

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