In Analytical Accounting the AAG00600 table stores a Link Type value (aaLinkType), in GP2010, the Value for Trn Dimension = 7, but in GP2018 the Trn Dimension value = 9.
We run an integration using the taAATrxDimCodeMaint stored procedure through Smartconnect.
The process inserts the records, then an oob trigger on the AAG00401 checks the Company and Link Type value through a stored procedure, by passing a Link Type = 9.
The Trn Dimension Code wasn't being created in the AAG00601 Table as it was failing on the aagTR_AAG00401Ins trigger.
The easy part is to just update the AAG00600 Table to change the Link Type = 9 where it equals 7.
I am not sure at this stage whether an error in the upgrade was the issue in not updating the Link Type Value, or it just wasn't updated as part of the upgrade.
We had a few issues with the AAG00202 and AAG00400 tables new triggers that run the AAOpentransaction Open and History Views, as they return an error that the view cannot be created due to too many columns. (Haven't worked this part out at the moment).
This is probably more for information purposes.
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