Hi all,
For a couple of months I'm using NAV 2018 together with Planner One as a plannings module.
I'm still not quite used to it (and am sometimes seeing things I can't explain) but most of it is working ok.
I've got 1 issue that I can't solve until now, and hopefully one of you can.
We are using subcontracters to do assembly work for us. We send material over and in 2 weeks they send it back to us. To accomodate this in NAV we are using a waiting time of appr. 2 weeks (380 hours) in line 1 of the Bill of Labour in the production order. When it comes back we do steps 2 and 3 of this order. When we put this in Planner One it shows the waiting time between step 1 and 2 and planning is correct. So far so good...
But when the startdate of the order has passed and we adjust the calender startdate the order is moved to a later date (because the subcontracter has't finished yet), and all later steps are moved backwards as well. To fix this I manually adjust the first step in Planner one so it has a "reserved resource" (hopefully my dutch-english translation for this is correct). Then this step of the production order doesn't move when we change the startdate of the calender and the second and third (internal) steps stay fixed as well.
But when we do this I can't see how many hours of work the subcontracters are doing because Planner One only shows the hours in the future. And because they have 2 weeks to complete production I still want to see this capacity in the past to monitor how much work they have left.
Does anyone know if it is possible to show this "Open capacity in the past"?
Hopefully my question is clear...
Kind Regards,