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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Cash Manager Balance is out of balance per Bank Reconciliation!

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I recently added a new company  from an existing system to Solomon. I brought forward the cash balance through the GL, however when I went to reconcile the Bank statement my reconciliation report is stating that I am out of balance with the Cash Manager Balance. I have entered all the deposits and outstanding checks into Solomon. The adjusted Balance is off a bit from the GL balance but that I knew would happen. I am concerned about the high balance I am off with the Cash Manager Balance. Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike

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  • John_Joyce Profile Picture
    John_Joyce 1,040 on at
    RE: Cash Manager Balance is out of balance per Bank Reconciliation!

    Hi Mike, as you may already know and as I should've expressed in my original reply, the Cash Manager uses Transaction Date (and not Period To Post) for the Bank Rec. So, at the end of March, if you have a cash transaction posted to March but dated in April, it will not be shown on the March bank rec to be cleared. Without seeing your specific data, I can't advise on what you should do, but here's some very good generic info on Cash Manager:

    If you wish to correct the March bank rec, then you can use the "OD" and "OM" transaction entry types to increase/decrease the Cash Mgr Balance as needed, but keep in mind that you will almost always need to enter a reversing "OM" or "OD" transaction in the future.

    For example, if I entered an AP Check dated 4/8/16, but post to March (period 03), that check will appear on the APRIL Bank Rec.  If I want it on the MARCH Bank Rec, I would need to enter the following:

    1) An "OM" transaction to decrease the Cash Mgr balance as of 3/31/16

    2) An "OD" transaction to offset the original check, dated 4/8/16

    No matter what you do with the OM & OD transactions, your first step should be to ensure the GL balance is correct.  If it is, then you can go and enter OM/OD entries as needed to get your Cash Mgr Balance where it needs to be.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Cash Manager Balance is out of balance per Bank Reconciliation!

    I believe I have the incorrect transaction dates. To correct this would I have to reverse out the entries I posted in the CA module and repost using the correct dates?

    If I leave this alone and reconcile the following month, will these transactions still impact my Cash manager balance on the bank rec as being out of balance? Thanks, Mike

  • Suggested answer
    John_Joyce Profile Picture
    John_Joyce 1,040 on at
    RE: Cash Manager Balance is out of balance per Bank Reconciliation!

    Typically, when I set-up a new Cash Mgr Account that has an existing GL balance, I do the following (using a 1/1/2016 go-live date on Cash Mgr):

    1) Enter the 12/31/15 BANK Balance as an "OD" transaction in Cash Mgr, dated 1/1/2016;

    2) Enter any 12/31/15 Deposits-In-Transit as "OD" transactions individually in Cash Mgr, dated 1/1/2016;

    3) Enter any 12/31/15 O/S Checks as "OM" transactions individually in Cash Mgr, dated 1/1/2016;

    The net of these three entries should result in the reconciled GL balance as of 12/31/15.

    From there, assuming the 1/1/2016 go-live date, and assuming you enabled GL Transactions to Update Cash Manager, then all of the Cash activity in the GL should coincide with the activity in Cash Manager.

    Beyond that, CA balance variances can be caused by incorrect transaction dates (i.e. - transactions posted to March, but dated in April).


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