hello folks,
i've imported a manage solution and trying to delete the same solution, i am getting error below error message.
<Message>The {0}({1}) component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by {2} other components. For a list of referenced components, use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest.
Data[0] = "SiteMap"
Data[1] = "<a id='a_helplink' tabindex='0' class='ms-crm-Dialog-Error-Link' onclick='openStdWin("\x2ftools\x2fdependency\x2fdependencyviewdialog.aspx\x3fobjectid\x3d\x257b93482510-23d7-4e98-bd1a-37d853a7fa9e\x257d\x26objecttype\x3d7100\x26operationtype\x3ddependenciesforuninstall", null, 800, 600, null)'>Details</a>"</Message>
it seems, need to remove sitemap first but in manage solution how can we remove it??
Please anyone provide some help here.
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