We are in the process of changing all our JavaScript prior to moving to Unified Interface, yesterday I started to experience a strange issue.
After copying upgraded JavaScript to original file, each on load function is giving error -
One of the scripts for this record has caused an error. For more details, download the log file.
ReferenceError: onLoad is not defined at eval (eval at RunHandlerInternal (xxxxxx.crm11.dynamics.com/.../ClientApiWrapper.aspx, <anonymous>:1:1)
where onLoad is one of the functions called (it happens for them all) it appears that the event handler details aren't pointing to the file for some reason, syntax definitley correct. when I created a brand new file and pasted same code in it works when i point at that file, i then pointed back to the original file and it seemed to still work but on further testing even though the original file is in the on load event handler, it's actually pointing at my new test file still. I've tried everything I can think of to resolve, reverted to legacy forms and back, exported solution and re imported. Cleared local cache, used new browser etc but it seems there is some strange caching going on on the server.
Has anyone seen this behavior? DoI need to contact Microsoft to get things going again? It's happening on both dev and staging servers.