Hi Everyone,
I have a requirement where the data is mapped in an excel sheet based on a lookup value user names assigned to that lookup value in that excel sheet needs to be retrieved, this template has around 210+ records the most inefficient way of doing it would be to write if else statements for all of them. Also since this data mapping doesn't need to be present in the system, I ruled out the option of creating a new entity by converting excel sheet into records of that entity, the only efficient option I feel is being able to access this excel sheet as part of the plugin project file and do retrieve the user value from the sheet based on the entity's lookup value. When I tried doing that I got the below error
An exception has occurred in the [Wendys.Crm.Plugins.ProjectMilestoneGenerator].
An unhandled exception has occurred during execution of the plugin.
{System.TypeLoadException} from {Wendys.Crm.Plugins} - Could not load type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Application' from assembly 'Wendys.Crm.Plugins, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=bb2727b96c9cb15e'. The type is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but the containing assembly is not loaded as fully trusted.
Please let me know if any one has experienced this previously or do have any suggestions.
Thanks in advance,
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