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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Dynamics 365 Portal and SEO

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How can I make crm records (vacancies) searchable for Google and other search engines. I want to make the records also searchable on the portal with the magnifying-glass. I have a entity list with jobs published on the portal.

Thank you,


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  • Suggested answer
    Nick.Doelman Profile Picture
    Nick.Doelman 1,947 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 Portal and SEO

    For searching within the portal, you can configure searching for both site wide searching and setting up filters on an entity list, there is some light documentation here:

    The Adx entity list filtering works the same as in the CRM online portals, more detailed info here:

    For SEO, you can add Google (or other) code snippets to your webpages on the portal, there are javascript fields on the web page records.

    Hope this helps.



  • Verified answer
    Colin V Profile Picture
    Colin V on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 Portal and SEO

    Custom entities currently are not supported to be added to the portal index so you are limited to using the search functionality in entity list.

    Google or other search engines will index what their bot/spider can access.  That means it must be publicly accessible as well it needs to be in the site map (navigation) or can be found through links referenced on other pages.  Because the entity list loads data asynchronously the bot/spider may not be picking up the entity record links or even paging through the data.

    What you can do to ensure it has higher potential to get indexed is generate a sitemap.xml that you would then submit to a search engine.  In the sitemap.xml you would have the links to your entity record detail pages.  You will need to look at a way to generate your sitemap.xml dynamically as your records likely change regularly.  You could use liquid/web templates to do this.  Take a look at the following example of an RSS feed in liquid.  You can use the same concepts to create a sitemap.xml

  • Jan N Profile Picture
    Jan N 135 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 Portal and SEO

    Thank you for your reply. I am using the Dynamics 365 portal (Adxstudio)

  • Suggested answer
    sandeepstw Profile Picture
    sandeepstw 4,601 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 Portal and SEO


    CRM does not allow public web pages. For public pages you can use Adxstudio Portals. Otherwise any CMS and integrate CRM using api.

    Don't forget to verify answer!



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