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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy

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  i have created following business model for both position & manager hierarchy 

                                              Root bu (ceo position)admin or bu00

                                                |                                       |

                             bu1 (manager1) u2      ===            bu11(manager2)u22

                                    |           share same security role             |

                             bu2 (sales1)u3                                               bu22(sales2)u33

i can't find the uniqueness in them,both kind of work same. 

what is the major functional difference between the position& manager hierarchy?hw it works based on roles,privilege,BU setting?


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  • Suggested answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 on at
    RE: Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy

    Hello ,

    Your understanding is correct.

    Here is the link you can refer -

    Hope this helps you toimplement.

    Good luck.

  • RE: Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy

    Thanks for your response ,correct me if i am wrong

       when using "Manager Hierarchy" we can able to restrict the user in other business unit to view the record,they can only view the direct reporting user records,

       But in case of "Position Hierarchy" irrespective to the business unit the user(in higher position) can able the see(or edit) the records of other business unit

        well based on the above statement i have manager in position hierarchy model(M1,M2 in different BU) but i cant able to see or access the record of other Bu. Its because of security Roles?how should Position works and configure?

  • Suggested answer
    Mahendar Pal Profile Picture
    Mahendar Pal 45,095 on at
    RE: Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy


    In additional to that the major difference between Manager and position is business unit. Manager hierarchy deals when you are in same business unit, where position hierarchy deals with different business units.

    This can help you further:


  • Suggested answer
    gdas Profile Picture
    gdas 50,089 on at
    RE: Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy


    Yes this was answered in the community earlier. Just few things I am adding.

    You can use position Hierarchy:

    When you have global leader who can access the data across all the business unit. Not actually bound on the same or parent child business unit.

    You can use manager hierarchy:

    Only when you want to give your leader or manager  access only business unit and paren't child business unit. Remember the manager don't have access global or other region business unit which is not his parents or child hierarchy of business unit.

    Hope this helps.

  • Suggested answer
    Aric Levin Profile Picture
    Aric Levin 30,188 on at
    RE: Functionality difference between Position vs manager hierarchy


    This questions has been asked before and answered.

    It think the answers and links will shed some light. See the blog post below:

    The quick answer though is that the difference is based on the business unit.

    Hope this helps.

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