Hi partner,
In Dynamics 365, there is an OOB function named "security field" which could hide the field value based on the usrs' security roles. But in your case, it is not sutiable, for example, I set set a security field on "account name" field as only account Manager role could see the value. So No matter what business unit your account is, you can’t see the data as long as the user is not the account manager.
So as far as I konw, the best way for you is using js code to control the fields' visibility by the uses' BU and accounts' BU.
Here is the sample code. Just add the function in the accout "onLoad" form and replace the real field name in your account form.
function compareBusinessUnit(executionContext) {
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
//get current userid
var useridOrg = Xrm.Page.context.getUserId();
var userid = useridOrg.substring(1, useridOrg.length - 1);
//get current user's businessunit id
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveRecord("systemusers", userid, "?$select=_businessunitid_value").then(
function success(result) {
var _businessunitid_value = result._businessunitid_value;
//get the businessunit id from account form
var accountBU=formContext.getAttribute("BUfieldname").getValue();
var accountBUID=accountBU[0].id;
//if the two BU do not match
//set field value as ******
function (error) {
But there are some weakness, the field value is also available in the account views, so you need to remove the fields from all the views for security.
Hope it helps.
Best Regards,