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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

DSLDate for a key field but no PV property

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

SL 2011 FP1.  VS10 Ultimate.

I am trying to create a new screen for SL.  I have already used the SDK tools (Record Maintenance, Field Maintenance, Generate Schema) to create the records, fields, the SQL tables, the sql indexes and the sql stored procedures. We need 2 key fields on Normal level 0: the first one is a text field for a rate schedule name, the other is a date field for the Effective Date of the schedule.  I have added a SAFMaskedText control for the schedule name and I added a DSLDate control for the effective date.  At this point I am ready enter the PV for the effective date field but there is no PV property (nor is there a DBNav property) for the DSLDate control.  There will be a detail level that contains a grid for the actual data specific to that name/effective date.  We need to have the user select the rate schedule name first and then the effective date when entering/updating data in the grid.

Any ideas on how to resolve this? 


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  • Verified answer
    RE: DSLDate for a key field but no PV property

    I’m not sure I fully understand the issue.

    The DSLDate control by design does not have a PV or DBNav property.   Out of the box when a user PVs on the field, a calendar control will appear instead of the typical PV list window.   And when they select a date (or type in a date) that date is validated to make sure it’s properly formed (i.e… no 13th month or 32nd day allowed, etc…).  

    If you are looking to instead have a user PV on the date field and be presented with a list of valid dates (maybe a list of 10 valid schedule dates or something) then you would need to use something other than the DSLDate control.   A regular text box would work or maybe a combobox.  

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