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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Query Retrieval Sequence

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Can anyone explain why the join property on a data source is used to determine the sequence in which records are retrieve in an AOT query. This is documented here:

It seems perverse to me that you would use this property for this purpose. Being unable to use an inner join when you have multiple data sources on the same level would give you adverse results from the query.

Does anyone have any comment?




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  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,354 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Re: Query Retrieval Sequence

    What other solution would you use, taking into account how tables are defined in AX? In SQL, you basically get one new "table", but AX has fixed "classes" describing database tables. When you call, data must be fetched somehow to individual tables used in the query().

    If you have, let's say, a header and few lines joined together, the first next() fetches the header and the first line, a subsequent next() fetches the second line etc.

    If the relation is 1:1, it's all basically the same, QueryRun will just always fetch both records together.

    Or what else did you mean?

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