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Attachment does not open for editing when creating interaction

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Hopefully someone here can point me in the correct direction for what I am trying to do. When creating interactions regardless of what they are for (but mainly the default incoming/outgoing phone calls, meetings). The issue I have is when creating the interaction, selecting an interaction template that has an attachment (word .docx extension), and clicking ok it DOES NOT open the attachment for editing. I have tried this will all three wizard action settings (open, import, merge), and have tried creating and attaching an interaction word document template to the specific interaction template as well. The only one of the wizard actions that seems to work properly is the import which does pop up a window asking for a file to be selected.

I have tested this both in the browser as well as in the Business Central app from the Microsoft Store neither of which have actually opened anything upon clicking ok on the create interaction window. I've spent at least 8-10hours searching for answers including trying to find a suitable alternative for our use case but have not found anything yet. I would just have the client use the comments section but the comments/notes needing to be added would be come very time consuming and take at least 15-20 lines with the character limit set to what it is for those fields so it is not viable at this point.

To clarify as well I am creating an interaction on a specific contact from the contact card.

  • Suggested answer
    Marco Mels Profile Picture
    Marco Mels on at
    RE: Attachment does not open for editing when creating interaction


    Please consider to use Word Templates instead which is a new functionality in version 19. In addition, I raised the following as a request to the product group. A decision has not yet been made if this is something that can be added via hot fix or if it is something that can be added as a feature in a new release.

    - install Dynamics 365 Business Central version 19.2 (Application Build 19.2.33504

     Platform Build 19.0.33475)

    - Search for Interaction Template

    - Create a new interaction template with the following details

    Code = SalesPeopl

    Interaction Group Code = LETTER

    Description = Letter to Salespeople

    Wizard Action = Open

    Correspondence Type (Default) = Hard Copy

    - Click on the three ... and select Create Interaction Word Template

    - Press Next, Next, Download a blank template

    - Import a document (I used a Word Template I created earlier)

    - Attached a template with some merge fields

    - Press Next and upload the attached template or upload the one you created

    - Press Next and type in SalesPeopl for the code

    - Last press Finish

    - Within the Interaction Template, click on Yes under Attachment and import the attached template or the one you created yourself

    - Search for Salespeople and select Salespeople/Purchasers with the following details:

    Contact = Greg Chapman

    Interaction Template = SALESPEOPL

    - Press OK

    The result is that a Letter to Salespeople.pdf is created and downloaded to user profile.

    If you follow similar steps in Windows Client (e.g. version 14), the document is opened and the document can be edited. The partner and several of partners customer base ask for a modification:

    no PDF, but Word

    CSS requested if Mail merge can be possible this way. The current system behavior is that the document cannot be added when WebClient is being used, it can be edited if a Word Template is being used.

    Hope it helps.


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