I have a requirement to send birthday emails in dynamics to contact,
is this best achieved with a workflow or plugin,
because i want the workflow to run like 7am everyday. So not sure of pluings.
have implemented similar requirement on Siebel with this logic.
How can I achieve this with a workflow.
have already created a calculated field to check if it is a contacts birthday.
I can also do this with plugins, but how can i make the plugin trigger once a day at a certain time
am assuming the pluing logic is to query all contact record (using a LINQ query) , check if its their birthday and send a birthday email if it is. what about the email template?
Also the previous logic to get the birthday was this
IIf([Birth Date] IS NULL,"N",IIf(Left([Birth Date],6)=Left(Today(),6),"Y","N"))
So how best can this be achieved on dynamics CRM considering it will happen on a daily basis .
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