Create a module:
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit On
Imports Solomon.Kernel
Module Module1
Public Class selectBUF
Inherits SolomonDataObject
< _
DataBinding(PropertyIndex:=0) _
> _
Public Property b_DateTime() As Integer
Return Me.GetPropertyValue("b_DateTime")
End Get
Set(ByVal setval As Integer)
Me.SetPropertyValue("b_DateTime", setval)
End Set
End Property
...other fields in your unbound table....
end class
Public bselectbuf As selectBUF = New selectBUF, nselectbuf As selectBUF = New selectBUF
End Module
form1_load put these where they belong
Call SetAddr(LEVEL0, "bselectbuf", bselectbuf, nselectbuf)
Call SqlCursorEx(c1, LEVEL0, "c1", "selectbuf", "selectbuf")
Call SetButton(1023 AllLevels, False) 'disable toolbar buttons
SAFdate field fieldname="selectbuf.b_datetime"; 0; 3; 4
I have this working so I hope this was clear enough for you to follow.
Another option, which I also use, is what Barry suggested. I use a xRptControl table. In it I have username, reportNbr, dte1, dte2, dte3, str1, str2,str3, dbl1, dbl2......
Then I can bind this table to the report launcher screen and allow users to save their defaults.
good luck,