RE: captions change issue
What kind of changes you did? Have you implemented an appropriate XLIFF file or?...
What you mention are NOT fields, these are global variables calculated within the pages. See below W1 version
field(TotalSales2; GetTotalSales)
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
Caption = 'Total Sales';
Style = Strong;
StyleExpr = TRUE;
ToolTip = 'Specifies your total sales turnover with the customer in the current fiscal year. It is calculated from amounts excluding VAT on all completed and open invoices and credit memos.';
field("CustSalesLCY - CustProfit - AdjmtCostLCY"; CustSalesLCY - CustProfit - AdjmtCostLCY)
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
AutoFormatType = 1;
Caption = 'Costs (LCY)';
ToolTip = 'Specifies how much cost you have incurred from the customer in the current fiscal year.';
field(AdjCustProfit; AdjCustProfit)
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
AutoFormatType = 1;
Caption = 'Profit (LCY)';
Editable = false;
Importance = Additional;
ToolTip = 'Specifies how much profit you have made from the customer in the current fiscal year.';
field(AdjProfitPct; AdjProfitPct)
ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite;
Caption = 'Profit %';
DecimalPlaces = 1 : 1;
Editable = false;
Importance = Additional;
ToolTip = 'Specifies how much profit you have made from the customer in the current fiscal year, expressed as a percentage of the customer''s total sales.';