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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Running points total?

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We have rewards system made up of transactions that can either debit or credit the total points on a contact record. We're looking to add two fields to the transaction entity:

  • Beginning Balance
  • Ending Balance

So, when the transaction is created, we look at the contact's current total, set transaction beginning balance to that total and then set ending balance to contact's current total + this new transaction's points.

I can accomplish this with a workflow, but I was curious if there's a way to accomplish this with a rollup fields. I would also need to use multiple conditionals like if it's a deposit transaction, add points. If duduct transaction, remove points. Is multi branch logic possible in rollup fields? I didn't see it when in the editor.

Thank you,

*This post is locked for comments

  • RE: Running points total?

    Thank you for checking. I will have to create 2 fields. Beginning and ending balance and use a workflow to populate those values based on multi branch logic.

  • Verified answer
    Abby Kong Profile Picture
    Abby Kong 6 on at
    RE: Running points total?

    Hi Anatoliy,

    Apologize above solutions will not work.

    I gave it a try, I can only add a 1-N relationship one level down from roll up field editor, thus other transactions are not accessible from rollup field under transaction.

    Above method can only work on parent account entity to get current total balance. It does not work for running balance on transactions.

    Apologize for the mistake.



  • Abby Kong Profile Picture
    Abby Kong 6 on at
    RE: Running points total?

    Edited:  this solution does not work, please check the post after this one.


    From my understanding, rollup field need to have a return type of aggregated value (SUM, MAX, MIN, COUNT, AVG) with optional filters

    Here is what I can think of to accomplish with rollup field:

    1. Create a new field, like 'Balance Impact Point', make the value to CreditPoint??0-DebitPoint??0

    (LOL, not a good field name I know. I'm really bad at naming things, hope you understand what I mean)

    2. Rollup on this new field

    Begin Balance = Sum(BalanceImpactPoint) with filter transaction number(whatever field you define transaction order) less than current transaction
    End Balance = Sum(BalanceImpactPoint) with filter transaction number(whatever field you define transaction order) less or equal to the current transaction

    *Note, the field in point 1 can't be a calculated field, because you cant rollup on a calculated field.



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