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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Inventory and Bins

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I am looking for some help in setting up a bunch of items that we want to track.  However, it is like a warehousing situation where we process the order internally so we can just print a pick ticket.  Someone goes and picks the items and then goes in and fulfills and invoices.  The invoice is only generated as a formality to purge the order. The items picked need to be put with something else to finish the job.  We are currently using a different stand alone system for this function.  There are no $ reported from this system, only quantities.  We are trying to get rid of the stand alone and incorporate this function into GP. Help!  I am unsure if this is even possible with GP only and not a 3rd party or the MFG module.  It is a very simplistic process but seems to be hard to conceptualize in GP.  I am not finding much help.  We would also need to utilize bins.  I am not sure of the process/best way to set these items up.  Things to think about or suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks so much!

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Inventory and Bins

    Do you have any of the distribution modules setup in GP?  My company is a 3rd party that provides an alternate order entry interface, but also order tracking and visibility. 

    We could definately help you with tracking inventory as well as orders.  We are priced cheaper than a GP license so we can also save you money.  I can be reached at or 952-467-2913.  Our website is if you want to take a look.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Inventory and Bins


    You should certainly be able to do what you want in GP. You can maintain items with no purchase or sales costs, and push them through your sales order cycle. Additionally there is Bins functionality in GP. You should be able to do this with standard product (ie no third party products required).

    How will you get item quantities into GP?

    Do you want to track how much of an item you should have in stock? If yes, you will need to 'receive' stock in GP, You can do this as a simple Inventory Increas adjustment, or use the GP Purchase Order Processing module. If you don't want to track quantities on hand, you could just 'Sell' the stock, and select 'Override Shortage' every time you include an item on a sales order, or you could set them up as 'Service' type items.

    Do you need to track serial numbers of items?

    If there are no financial implications (or you don't want any journals flowing into the GL), then it woud be best to turn off posting to the GL.

    There are a lot of possibilities, and your exact requirements will determine which you follow.

    The set up should be fairly straighforward. If you want, email me with a list of questions and I will answer them as best I can.


    Best regards,

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