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Dynamics Business Central migration forum

Azure Data Factory Writing to Business Central Purchase Header

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Hi, I am trying to post data to the Purchase Header using ADF, has anyone else encountered the same issue? Please help
Job failed due to reason: Error response from server: Some({"error":{"code":"Internal_ServerError","message":"Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData 5109 Purchase Header Archive Read: Base Application) CorrelationId: 859d9c85-c363-4efd-832e-d8817b3e1169."}}), Status code: 403. Please check your request url and body. (url:'Med%20for%20America%20Inc')/PurchaseHeader,request body: Some({"DocumentType":"Invoice","BuyfromVendorName":"","BuyfromVendorNo":"V03515","Vendor_Invoice_No":"389901"}), request method: POST)
  • gdrenteria Profile Picture
    gdrenteria 5,168 Super User on at
    Azure Data Factory Writing to Business Central Purchase Header
    It appears you do not have permission to access the mentioned object.

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