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URI hostname has long non-vowel sequence

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Hi guys, 

Is there anything I can do about this message from the spam score (see image)


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: URI hostname has long non-vowel sequence

    Hi Iain,

    As what it said, 

    there were many links or links that have long URL in your marketing email content, 

    however, the score is finally based on how your marketing email looks like.

    Here are two situations that I met the notification:

    1. In a default template, Welcome to Contoso, I removed the item after replaced original images with external image sources and deleted social links.



    2. In another template: furnari, I received the notification, 

    there is only one custom image link:(except necessary subscription center and physical address)!

    The image hosting URL is bit long, the item was removed after I removed the link.


    In my custom design email, I got every low score, besides necessary links,

    there are 3 links in email: logo and product image and Learn more button,

    and these links are all external resources outside crm internal file host.


    Product image:

    Learn more: surface laptop product page.


    So in conclusion, total links and link length would be factors of the notification, while link lenght is more potential factor,

    because when I replaced my custom email image to an internal crm file, the notification appeard again.!


    As doc said, currently spam score checker is still a preview feature.



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