Can you add more footers to the receipt in RMS? If yes, How.
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Can you add more footers to the receipt in RMS? If yes, How.
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To do this, first make a backup of the Receipt.xml file
in the folder:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Retail Management System\Store Operations\ReceiptTemplates\
Then open up the Receipt.xml file with notepad. Then below the section called Attributes add more lines of the code <SET name="FooterLine.... giving them their own unique name. For example below FooterLine5, call the next line FooterLine6. Then go to the section called SUB: printFooter and add additional <If> and </If> just like is done with the FooterLin5. Then you need to go into RMS Manager and click Database, Registers, Receipt Formats, double click the receipt "40 Column..", click the magnified glass in the row for type = Sales, double click the XML you just modified, then click Yes to update all transaction types (not just Sales type), then click OK.
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