Hi all,
we are using Dynamics 365 8.2.2 OnPremise and we have some users with performance issues when they are working with CRM. For example opening a record takes a lot of time and the progress circle is running for a long time before the record is displayed. This behavioris only existing at some users, but not for all. If another user is opening the same record with same browser it is displayed within a second or two.
I used the integrated performance center in CRM to log some information:
Form Load Start (-> 0 ms)
Complete Load (16115 ms)
Edit-Ready (post-onload) (15906 ms)
Edit-Ready (pre-onload) (15900 ms)
PageManager.LoadHandler (3 ms)
RemoteCommand.Execute - {"IsAsync":true,"Service":"MessageBar","ReqId":"77d944be-22db-4635-b524-208736c91196"} (125 ms)
RequestNotesControlLayout_Start (-> 2511 ms)
RequestNotesControlLayout (40 ms)
Turbo Form Load Start (-> 2573 ms)
Load Form (135 ms)
Update ProcessId From Local Storage (0 ms)
OnLoadStarted handlers (1 ms)
Request Form Layout (8 ms)
Parse Form Layout Response Json (5 ms)
Process Form Layout (95 ms)
Process Entity Metadata (1 ms)
Inject Layout Includes to Page (17 ms)
Process inline edit subgrids (0 ms)
Style Includes (1 ms)
Script Includes (8 ms)
Layout Variable Includes (5 ms)
Render Form Layout (71 ms)
Initialize Application Components (2 ms)
DataSource.Initialize (398 ms)
PageManager.LoadHandler (9 ms)
RemoteCommand.Execute - {"IsAsync":true,"Service":"RecentlyViewedWebService","ReqId":"540195ca-dbc3-45df-aae7-47a55ba8f1b2"} (1358 ms)
Initialize Xrm Controls and Data (62 ms)
Build Page View Model (16 ms)
Build Page Views (14 ms)
FormNavControls.Initialize (0 ms)
Bind Xrm to HTML (159 ms)
Turbo.ActivityFeeds_Start (-> 2955 ms)
Bind SFA Tabs (59 ms)
LoadActivities_Start (-> 2957 ms)
LoadNotes_Start (-> 2958 ms)
ActivitiesWall_Render (5 ms)
LoadActivitiesWallHtml (0 ms)
LoadNotesV2Html (1 ms)
ChangeCurrentTab (38 ms)
NotesRefreshEvent (37 ms)
NoteshRefreshEvent_Start (-> 2976 ms)
TextAreaAutoResize (4 ms)
ElementWatermark (0 ms)
ElementWatermark (0 ms)
Refresh Wall Notes (347 ms)
Wall_SetProgressState (1 ms)
Wall_RefreshAll_Start (-> 3009 ms)
RemoteCommand.Execute - {"IsAsync":true,"Service":"Annotation","ReqId":"9a60ed3d-681c-41ff-ace0-30a4dd52b3cc"} (334 ms)
Page Ready for Data Bind (-> 3065 ms)
ProcessControl.InitializePageObjects (0 ms)
InitializeProcessControl (0 ms)
OnLayoutReady handlers (0 ms)
Waiting for data ready before BindData (12755 ms)
Custom Script Frame Loaded (-> 3311 ms)
Script Frame OnLoad (11 ms)
NotesData_Render (3 ms)
Waiting for layout ready before BindData (0 ms)
Bind Data and Create Controls (43 ms)
Process Cached Layout (6 ms)
Data Ready (-> 15823 ms)
Data Variable Includes (2 ms)
Load PBL Webresource (3 ms)
Create Common Controls (3 ms)
Bind Data (21 ms)
Bind Form Data for form: 54076a2d-d043-4a1b-b061-4d06846371a9 (13 ms)
LoadProcessControl (1 ms)
Bind FormData to Process Control (1 ms)
FinalizeProcessControl (0 ms)
ProcessControl.PostInitialize (0 ms)
Form RibbonLayout Request - Async (1 ms)
Initialize Command Bar (1 ms)
Non-Form RibbonLayout Request - Async (1 ms)
Execute OnLoad for form: 54076a2d-d043-4a1b-b061-4d06846371a9 (2 ms)
OnDataBound handler (2 ms)
Create Record Set Control (1 ms)
Create Quick Form (0 ms)
Add Item to MRU (3 ms)
PageLoadedWithRibbonData (-> 15886 ms)
Run form Onload method: SendMessageToPageManager (1 ms)
Run form Onload method: Mscrm.BusinessRulesScript.Initialize (1 ms)
TurboFormPreOnloadTimestamp (-> 15900 ms)
Run form Onload method: CreateTurboFormPreOnLoadPerfMarker (0 ms)
Run form Onload method: Mscrm.Form_onload (2 ms)
Run form Onload method: gcnmbase.formOnload (1 ms)
Run form Onload method: SendMessageToPageManager (219 ms)
TurboFormPostOnloadTimestamp (-> 15906 ms)
Run form Onload method: htsbase.formOnload (0 ms)
Handle Post OnLoad (217 ms)
MDDEnd (-> 15907 ms)
UI Update 1 (207 ms)
Post OnLoad UI Update (207 ms)
ControlsInitializationCompleteTimestamp (-> 16115 ms)
Request Subgrids Data (5 ms)
Request SubGrid Data (4 ms)
RemoteCommand.Execute - {"IsAsync":true,"Service":"LookupService","ReqId":"3ff46d01-169f-4f8e-bfdb-391de21f4d70"} (523 ms)
Run form Onload method: FireDataLoad (1 ms)
Fire Global PageLoaded Event (275 ms)
LoadCommandBarData (271 ms)
BuildCommandBar (243 ms)
Append Script: /CUREMAPROD/{636840081800000112}/WebResources/hts_utility.js?ver=1377916671 (2 ms)
Run form Onload method: SendMessageToPageManager (1 ms)
CommandBar Rendered (-> 16454 ms)
Refresh NavBar (40 ms)
Bind Subgrid_quoteposition (128 ms)
AllSubgridsLoaded (-> 16644 ms)
As you can see it takes about 16 seconds to open a record which is not usable for an active CRM user. Do you have any ideas what could be the problem or which steps I have to do to find out what is going wrong?
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