RE: CRM Word Template conditional data
You cannot do this using OOB World Templates.
The idea is to have a separate (new) field and calculate its value based on the original field.
For example:
- Original Field
- Name: Demo AAA (new_demoaaa)
- Type: Single Text
- New Field: Demo AAA Print (new_demoaaaprint)
- Type: Single Text (Calculated)
- Calculated Field Configuration:

Here is the result on form:

Now in the word template, use new field (Demo AAA Print) instead of original.
This is just an example to give your idea, you might have to improvise this as per your need.
Furthermore, Calculated Field Functions are limited, if you cannot use Calculated Field, you can create a Simple Single Line Text filed and implement your logic in following ways:
- Microsoft Flow: create a flow to update new field's value as per your logic. However, this won't be real-time.
- Plugin: update new fields value on CREATE/UPDATE step synchronously.
- JavaScript: on-change of original field, set new field's value. However, this will only work if you update Original fields value on the form.
Finally, if you have a lot of fields where you want to implement conditions in word template, and you want to reduce your effort, it might be a good idea to try/purchase Documents Core Pack by mscrm-addons:
Here is a video, how it works:
This add-on allows you to add conditions in world template.
Let me know, if you have further questions.