I have made an API page in Business central to trigger a power automate using table GEN JOURNAL LINE. But when I am trying to trigger the power automate from action pane then it is greyed out.When i am trying to manually trigger it through power automate then and from power automate table pane when i am trying to mark it as visible then this error is coming.I am sharing the error log.
Exception Message: The entity genJnlLineAPI contains inconsistent OData collection names. Change the entity name and entity set name to start with a lower case
ErrorCode: -2147185397
HexErrorCode: 0x80048d0b
ApiExceptionSourceKey: Plugin/Microsoft.Dynamics.BCVirtualEntityGeneration.Plugins.GenerateVirtualEntityPlugin
ApiStepKey: 452f4f66-c51a-ea11-a81c-000d3a06bd2c
ApiDepthKey: 1
ApiActivityIdKey: 98131b29-0fde-4326-801f-d1f0675a21fa
ApiPluginSolutionNameKey: MicrosoftBusinessCentralVESupport
ApiStepSolutionNameKey: MicrosoftBusinessCentralVESupport
ApiExceptionCategory: ClientError
ApiExceptionMessageName: IsvAbortedBadRequest
ApiExceptionHttpStatusCode: 400
OperationStatus: 0
SubErrorCode: -2146233088