The process for moving the Management Reporter 2012 database is as follows:Note...
The process for moving the Management Reporter 2012 database is as follows:
Note If you are using a Management Reporter 2012 provider that uses the Dynamic Datamart (DDM) database, do not move the DDM database. Instead, a new database will be created by using the process here.
1. Start the Management Reporter 2012 Configuration Console.
2. Click Management Reporter Services.
3. Record the name of the database listed under the Database connection heading. The database name will be listed after the SQL server name. For example: SQLServer (Database)
4. Record the name of the Service Account that is used.
5. Login to SQL Server Management Studio.
6. Backup the Management Reporter 2012 database recorded earlier in this topic.
7. Start the Management Reporter 2012 Report Designer.
8. Export each building block group. The reports can be re-imported if a failure were to occur. You can do this by following these steps:
a. Under the Company menu, click Building Block Groups.
b. Select the building block group to export.
c. Click Export.
d. Select all building blocks to be exported on the Report Definitions, Row Definitions, Column Definitions, Reporting Tree Definitions tabs. Also, select all Dimension Value Sets.
e. Click Export.
f. Choose a location to save the .tdbx export file.
Note The default path on a Windows Server 2008 server is C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Management Reporter\Building Block Groups
g. Click Close on the Building Block Groups window.
9. Exit Management Reporter 2012 Report Designer.
10. Start the Management Reporter 2012 Configuration Console.
11. In the navigation bar, click the name of the SQL server.
12. Click Remove to remove the ERP integration.
13. Click Yes to the prompt “Are you sure you want to remove the ERP Integration?”.
14. In the navigation bar, click Management Reporter Services.
15. Click Remove Process Service.
16. Click Yes to the prompt “Are you sure you want to remove ‘Management Reporter 2012 Process Service’?”.
17. Click Remove Application Service.
18. Click Yes to the prompt “Are you sure you want to remove ‘Management Reporter 2012 Application Service’?”.
19. Login to SQL Server Management Studio.
20. Backup the Management Reporter 2012 database recorded earlier in this topic.
21. Login to SQL Server Management Studio on the new SQL server.
22. Restore the Management Reporter 2012 database on the new SQL server.
23. Verify that the Management Reporter 2012 service account has the correct permissions on the SQL server and to the new database. Refer to the Management Reporter installation guides at the following link: